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安科瑞  華楠




Abstract: With the further acceleration of my country’s economic development, people’s living standards have also been continuously improved, and residents’ electricity consumption has been continuously increased. While various household appliances have made people’s lives more convenient, they also provide a certain degree of benefit to residents. Life has also produced greater hidden dangers. In building electrical engineering, if there is a leakage problem, it will affect people's daily life and threaten people's lives. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt leakage protection technology and add leakage protection devices to the electrical engineering system to calmly and effectively reduce the chance of electric shock for construction workers.

Keywords: electric leakage; construction; electric shock



For the electrical construction of buildings, there are many factors that can cause unsafe electrical construction. In summary, they mainly include: for the threading project, the pipe is thin and the wires are numerous, resulting in a small margin in the pipe and insufficient heat dissipation surface. In addition, the technical quality of the construction personnel is low, and the construction cannot be carried out according to the drawings. Such a hazard is to accelerate the aging speed of the wire insulation layer and reduce the service life of the project. The corrosive agent was not wiped clean, the switching process did not cut off the phase wire, and even the phase wire was connected to the screw thread post of the lamp cap. Socket installation interchanges the position of the phase line and the neutral line. The wiring problem with the phase line on the top and the neutral line on the bottom is a common safety problem in the wiring work. Many construction workers are prone to paralysis. In catheter laying facilities, the nozzles of metal catheters are not treated, leaving many burrs at the nozzles. These metal burrs are a big safety hazard: these burrs during threading construction It is easy to cut the insulation layer of the wire, and the consequences are unimaginable. Once a problem occurs, the lighter will cause a short circuit and the power will be difficult to repair, and the severer may cause a fire. During the construction of the lightning protection system.The methods of down-conducting are different. Some use galvanized round steel, and some use the four main bars of the structural column to lay along the wall or inside the column. If the welding is missed during the construction, it will also leave a big safety hazard. The consequence is: missed or missed welding of a round steel, it is very likely that the down conductor will lose its due role, and the lightning protection system will not be able to perform. Normal function.


Application principles of leakage protection technology in building electrical engineering

1) 在接地保護原則方面。建筑電氣工程低壓系統(tǒng)的中性點一般不進行接地,這樣在系統(tǒng)正常運行過程中,將電氣設備金屬外殼接地,同時供電設備的金屬外殼也進行接地保護。具體的內(nèi)容包括以下幾個方面:一,便攜式用電器具、移動式用電器具金屬底座以及外殼、電壓器等電氣設備、傳動設備都進行接地保護;,汽油、柴油等金屬罐體外殼進行接地;三,建筑施工現(xiàn)場中,超過20厘米高度的電梯軌道、腳手架、起重折臂吊、豎井架等也進行接地保護;四,配電箱、配電屏柜、焊工工作平臺等也進行接地保護;五,在建筑施工現(xiàn)場中,電動葫蘆、龍門吊、塔吊等軌道上,需要設置兩個或兩個以上的接地點。特別是對于軌道接頭處,進行電氣連接處理,將節(jié)點的電阻控制在4歐姆以內(nèi)。如果軌道中有接地滑接器,那么需要通過連接線將接地滑接器與軌道合理地連接起來。第六,線路線桿上電氣設備金屬外殼以及支架進行接地處理。

1) In terms of the principle of grounding protection. The neutral point of the low-voltage system of building electrical engineering is generally not grounded, so during the normal operation of the system, the metal shell of the electrical equipment must be grounded, and the metal shell of the power supply equipment must also be grounded. The specific content includes the following aspects: first, portable electrical appliances, mobile electrical appliances, metal bases, housings, voltage transformers and other electrical equipment, transmission equipment must be grounded; second, gasoline, diesel and other metal tanks The body shell must be grounded; third, in the construction site, elevator tracks, scaffolds, hoisting jib cranes, masts, etc. that are more than 20 cm in height must also be grounded; fourth, power distribution boxes, power distribution panels , Welders’ work platforms, etc. must also be grounded. Fifth, in the construction site, two or more grounding points need to be set on electric hoists, gantry cranes, tower cranes and other tracks. Especially for track joints, electrical connection processing must be carried out, and the resistance of the node must be controlled within 4 ohms. If there is a grounding slider in the track, it is necessary to effectively connect the grounding slider to the track through a connecting wire. Sixth, the metal shells and brackets of electrical equipment on line poles must be grounded.

2) 在接零保護原則方面。在建筑電氣施工正常進行過程中,一些電氣設備的不帶電外露部位,也需要進行接零保護,具體包括以下幾個方面:一,配電屏、控制屏金屬框架部分需要進行接零保護;二,電氣設備等傳動設施進行接零保護;三,變壓器、發(fā)電機、照明工具、電動工具等金屬外殼以及電容器金屬外殼等也進行接零進行保護。四,線路線桿中金屬支架、開關(guān)金屬外殼以及電容器金屬外殼等也進行接零保護;六,建筑施工現(xiàn)場電氣室中設備的金屬外殼、帶電部分金屬門、欄桿等等同樣需要接零保護。

1) In terms of the principle of zero protection. In the normal process of building electrical construction, some uncharged exposed parts of electrical equipment also need to be zero-connected protection, including the following aspects: First, the metal frame of the power distribution panel and control panel needs to be zero-connected protection; Second, electrical equipment and other transmission facilities must be protected against zero connection; third, metal casings such as transformers, generators, lighting tools, power tools, and capacitor metal casings must also be protected against zero connection. Fourth, the metal brackets in the line poles, switch metal shells, and capacitor metal shells must also be connected to zero protection; sixth, the metal shells of the equipment in the electrical room of the construction site, the metal doors of the live parts, the railings, etc. also need to be connected Zero protection.                                                                             

3) 建筑電氣安裝和施工配合原則。在建筑施工過程中,建筑安裝人員和施工人員在各道工序和各個工種之間密切配合、相互協(xié)作,改良施工環(huán)境,一樣同樣看待施工成果和對方施工成果,盡量做到不污染、不丟棄、不破壞,盡可能實現(xiàn)一次成型施工。如果是單項工程,則需要土建施工單位和建筑電氣安裝單位協(xié)作完成,土建施工單位逐項編制施工工序,雙方互相配合,制作科學合理的施工計劃和方案。電氣設備安裝和用電等是整個施工項目的重要部分,在施工過程中起著重要作用。因此,土建單位在指定施工進度計劃時,需要考慮在施工過程中可能出現(xiàn)的問題、建筑電氣安裝的相關(guān)問題,并預留出足夠的電氣安裝工期,從而創(chuàng)造出良好的施工條件。  

3) Principles of building electrical installation and construction cooperation. In the process of building construction, construction installation personnel and construction personnel closely cooperate and cooperate with each other in various procedures and types of work to improve the construction environment. Discard, do not damage, and achieve one-time molding construction as much as possible. If it is a single project, it needs to be completed by the civil construction unit and the building electrical installation unit. The civil construction unit prepares the construction procedures item by item, and the two parties cooperate with each other to make a scientific and reasonable construction plan and plan. Specialties such as electrical equipment installation and electricity use are an important part of the entire construction project and play an important role in the construction process. Therefore, when the civil engineering unit specifies the construction schedule, it needs to consider the problems that may arise during the construction process and the related issues of the building electrical installation profession, and reserve enough electrical installation time to create good construction conditions.


Electric leakage protection countermeasures in modern buildings

1) 需安裝漏電保護器的場所。建筑工地施工環(huán)境復雜多半,用到的建筑材料種類繁多。在一些潮濕的設備操作環(huán)境需安裝漏電保護措施,設備使用隨著建筑結(jié)構(gòu)的發(fā)展需要經(jīng)常移動,很多電源端都是臨時的,往往忽略了漏電保護器的安裝,嚴重地威脅著操作人員的人身**,以及整個工程的穩(wěn)定進展。腐蝕性和易燃物附近的用電設備需要加強**措施,根據(jù)不同場地的結(jié)構(gòu),選取合適功能的附件,如采光點弱**通道較長處,整個保護系統(tǒng)就需要安裝照明設備,一些大型設備在運轉(zhuǎn)中不可以突然中止,阻斷設備的設計要求速度合理,要加強報警裝置的安放。建筑電氣導線分布復雜,交叉分部很容易造成高溫起火,在漏電保護方案的設計中,要考慮小販報警和保障應急照明系統(tǒng)通電等問題,確保**作業(yè),提升建筑**質(zhì)量,為整個工程順利投入使用打好基礎。

1) Places where leakage protectors need to be installed. The construction environment of construction sites is mostly complex, and there are many kinds of building materials used. In some humid equipment operating environments, leakage protection measures need to be installed. The equipment needs to be moved frequently with the development of the building structure. Many power terminals are temporary, and the installation of leakage protectors is often ignored, which seriously threatens the personnel of the operators. Safety, and the steady progress of the entire project. Electrical equipment near corrosive and flammable materials needs to strengthen safety measures. According to the structure of different sites, select accessories with suitable functions. It is not allowed to stop suddenly during operation. The design of blocking equipment requires reasonable speed, and the placement of alarm devices should be strengthened. The distribution of electrical wires in buildings is complex, and the cross-sections are likely to cause high-temperature fires. In the design of the leakage protection scheme, issues such as hawker alarms and ensuring the power of emergency lighting systems must be considered to ensure safe operation, improve the safety quality of the building, and smoothly invest in the entire project Use a good foundation.

2) 漏電保護器動作電流的選擇。單臺用電設備的漏電保護器,其動作電流要四倍于正常運行時的實測泄漏電流以上;配電線路中的漏電保護器,其動作電流要大于正常運行實測泄露電流的2.5倍,與此同時,還要保證大于泄漏電流大的用電設備在正常運行時泄漏電流的4倍。對于全方面進行保護時,其動作電流要2倍于實測泄漏電流,同時漏電保護器的額定動作電流要有一定的過盈量,以滿足由于用電設備的增加、日久回路絕緣的電阻降低以及季節(jié)性的溫度辯護等導致電流泄漏的增加

2) Selection of action current of the leakage protector. The operating current of the leakage protector of a single electrical equipment is four times or more than the measured leakage current during normal operation; the operating current of the leakage protector in the distribution line is greater than 2.5 times of the measured leakage current during normal operation, and At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the leakage current of the electrical equipment with the largest leakage current is 4 times that of the leakage current during normal operation. When protecting the whole network, its operating current should be twice as much as the measured leakage current. At the same time, the rated operating current of the leakage protector must have a certain amount of interference to meet the requirements of the increase in electrical equipment and the decrease in the resistance of the circuit insulation over time. And seasonal temperature defenses have led to increased current leakage.

3) 四極和二極漏電保護器的應用。對于電氣**和基本要求準則即為盡可能減少電器的觸頭數(shù)、極數(shù)和線路的連接點。線路的固定連接點和開關(guān)觸頭等的活動連接,在各種原因的影響下,都會由于導電**而引發(fā)事故。尤其是三相回路中的中性線,其導電**而引發(fā)的危險更加嚴重,這是由于當中性線導電**時,設備卻仍然在運行,不易發(fā)現(xiàn)隱患,如果三相負荷發(fā)生嚴重不平衡,這將使三相電壓也趨于嚴重的不平衡狀態(tài),進而將單相設備燒壞,因此要盡可能地限制在中性線上增加觸頭。

3)Application of four-pole and two-pole leakage protector. The criterion for electrical safety and basic requirements is to minimize the number of contacts, poles, and connection points of electrical appliances. The fixed connection point of the line and the movable connection of the switch contact, etc., under the influence of various reasons, will cause accidents due to poor conduction. Especially for the neutral wire in the three-phase circuit, the danger caused by its poor conductivity is more serious. This is because when the neutral wire is poorly conductive, the equipment is still running and hidden dangers are not easy to find. If the three-phase load is severely unbalanced, This will make the three-phase voltage also tend to be in a serious unbalanced state, and then burn out the single-phase equipment, so it is necessary to limit the increase of contacts on the neutral line as much as possible.

4) 等電位聯(lián)結(jié)的實施。等電位聯(lián)結(jié)即為把保護接零總線和建筑物的暖通管、總煤氣管、總水管等金屬管道或裝置,用導線進行聯(lián)結(jié)的一種方法,以此來均衡建筑物內(nèi)電位的目的,此法尤其適用于易燃易爆的場所。對于單相220V的線路,漏電保護器只能起到間接接觸保護作用,還同時存在由于機件的磨損、質(zhì)量的不穩(wěn)定引發(fā)的壽命較短、接觸**等因素的影響,導致動作失靈等隱患,無法單獨作為一種合理的保護措施,仍需進行等電位聯(lián)結(jié),才能完全消掉低電位的金屬零件與漏電的設備或電氣線路之間的電火花、電弧現(xiàn)象的發(fā)生,進而合理避免火災等**事故。

4)Implementation of equipotential bonding. Equipotential bonding is a method of connecting the protective zero bus with metal pipes or devices such as building HVAC pipes, gas mains, water mains, etc. with wires to balance the potential in the building. This method is especially suitable for flammable and explosive places. For single-phase 220V lines, the leakage protector can only play the role of indirect contact protection. At the same time, it also has the influence of short life, poor contact and other factors caused by the abrasion of the mechanical parts and the instability of the quality, leading to hidden dangers such as operation failure. It cannot be used as an effective protective measure alone. Equipotential bonding is still needed to completely eliminate the occurrence of electric sparks and arcs between low-potential metal parts and leakage equipment or electrical circuits, thereby effectively avoiding fires and other safety accident.

5) 漏電保護器的使用要注意的問題





5) Issues that should be paid attention to in the use of leakage protectors

①Coordination of the rated leakage current of the leakage protector

In the leakage protector for on-site electrical load protection, the rated leakage current IΔn1 must meet the condition of IΔn1≤30mA; for the leakage protector for main or branch line protection, the premise of the rated leakage current IΔn2 is IΔn2 ≥1.25IΔn1; The leakage protector for main trunk line or main trunk line protection, its rated leakage action current IΔn3 is usually 300mA, according to the corresponding standard, the prerequisite is 300mA≥IΔn3≥1.25IΔn2. Therefore, in summary, the operating conditions of the leakage protector can be summarized as 300mA≥IΔn3≥1.25IΔn2, IΔn2≥1.25IΔn1, IΔn1≤30mA.

② Coordination of the rated operating time of the leakage protector

First of all, according to the relevant standards in the "Earth-leakage Protector Installation and Operation Regulations", the difference in the rated operating time of the upper and lower-level leakage protectors is 0.2s. As a fast type, the rated value of the terminal protection leakage protector is usually less than 0.1s. , And the ratings of the secondary and tertiary leakage protectors have been extended, and the extension values are 0.2s and 0.4s respectively. In addition, the special nature of the inverse time delay of the leakage protector is used. For example, the first level is 0.1s less than the second level, and the third level must be 0.2s longer. Finally, if the leakage protector selected at the construction site is of the inverse time limit type, you can use the current Japanese standard for use as a reference. If the leakage current is IΔn, the action time is between 0.2 and 1s; if the leakage current is 1.4IΔn, the action time is between 0.1s and 0.5s; if the leakage current is 4.4IΔn, the action time is within 0.05s.

3. 產(chǎn)品概述General product





The common phase-to-phase short circuit can generate a large current, which can be protected by a switch. However, the current leakage caused by human body electric shock and line aging and the ground fault of the equipment are caused by leakage current. The leakage current is generally At 30mA-3A, these values are so small that traditional switches cannot be protected, so a residual current-operated protection device must be used.

The residual current relay is a residual current transformer to detect the residual current, and under specified conditions, when the residual current reaches or exceeds a given value, one or more electrical output circuit contacts in the electrical appliance will be opened and closed. Switch electrical appliances.

Here are three common leakage situations.

1. High-sensitivity RCD with I△n≤30mA must be used to prevent direct contact and electric shock.



2. The medium sensitivity RCD with I△n greater than 30mA can be used to prevent indirect contact electric shock.



3.  4-pole or 2-pole RCD shall be used for fireproof RCD.


對于IT系統(tǒng),按規(guī)定采用剩余電流繼電器。為防止系統(tǒng)絕緣降低和作為二次故障后備保護,依據(jù)接線型式,采用類似 TT TN 系統(tǒng)的保護措施。首先應采用絕緣監(jiān)視裝置,預測一次故障。

For IT systems, residual current relays are used as required. In order to prevent the insulation of the system from degrading and as a secondary fault backup protection, according to the wiring type, a protective measure similar to the TT or TN system is adopted. First, an insulation monitoring device should be used to predict a failure.



For the TT system, a residual current relay is recommended. Because when a single-phase grounding fault occurs, the fault current is very small and difficult to estimate. If the operating current of the switch is not reached, a dangerous voltage will appear on the housing. At this time, the N wire must pass through the residual current transformer.


對于TN-S系統(tǒng),可采用剩余電流繼電器。更快速靈敏切斷故障,以提高**可靠性,此時 PE 線不得穿過互感器,N 穿互感器,且不得重復接地。

For the TN-S system, a residual current relay can be used. Cut off the fault more quickly and sensitively to improve safety and reliability. At this time, the PE wire must not pass through the transformer, and the N wire must pass through the transformer, and it must not be grounded repeatedly.



對于TN-C系統(tǒng),不能采用剩余電流繼電器。因為 PE 線和 N 線合一,若 PEN 線不重復接地,當外殼帶電,互感器進出電流相等,ASJ拒動;若PEN線重復接地,部分單相電流將流入重復接地,達一定值后,ASJ 誤動。 需將TN-C系統(tǒng)改造成TN-C-S系統(tǒng),同TN-S系統(tǒng),再將剩余電流互感器接入TN-S系統(tǒng)中。

For TN-C systems, residual current relays cannot be used. Because the PE wire and the N wire are integrated, if the PEN wire is not repeatedly grounded, when the housing is energized, the current in and out of the transformer is equal, and the ASJ refuses to move; if the PEN wire is repeatedly grounded, part of the single-phase current will flow into the repeated grounding. After reaching a certain value, ASJ malfunctioned. It is necessary to transform the TN-C system into a TN-C-S system, which is the same as the TN-S system, and then connect the residual current transformer to the TN-S system.

4.產(chǎn)品簡介Product description



Acrel ASJ series residual current relay can meet the protection of the above-mentioned leakage conditions. It can be used in conjunction with a remote trip switch to cut off the power supply in time to prevent indirect contact and limit the leakage current. It can also be directly used as a signal relay to monitor power equipment. It is especially suitable for the safety protection of electricity consumption in schools, commercial buildings, factory workshops, bazaars, industrial and mining enterprises, national key fire-fighting units, smart buildings and communities, subways, petrochemicals, telecommunications and national defense departments.

There are two main installation methods for ASJ series products. ASJ10 series are rail-mounted installations. The appearance and functions are shown in the following table:

































1. Residual current measurement

2. Over-limit alarm

3. The rated residual operating current can be set

4. The limit non-driving time can be set

5. Two sets of relay output

6. With local/remote test/reset function

1. AC type residual current measurement

2. Current limit alarm indication



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Current percentage bar display



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Segment LCD display

3. Transformer disconnection alarm

4. Pre-alarm value can be set, return value can be set

5. 25 event records



ASJ20 series are panel mounted, the shape and functions are shown in the following table:


























1. Residual current measurement

2. Over-limit alarm

3. The rated residual operating current can be set

4. The limit non-driving time can be set

5. Two sets of relay output

6. With local/remote test/reset function

1. AC type residual current measurement

2. Current limit alarm indication



1. A type residual current measurement

2. Current percentage bar display




The difference between AC type and A type residual current relay is: AC type residual current relay is a residual current relay that can ensure the tripping of residual sinusoidal AC current that is suddenly applied or slowly rising, and mainly monitors sinusoidal AC signals. The A type residual current relay is a residual current relay that can ensure the tripping of the residual sinusoidal alternating current and residual pulsating direct current that is applied suddenly or slowly. It mainly monitors the sinusoidal alternating current signal and the pulsed direct current signal.

The specific wiring terminals and typical wiring of the instrument are as follows:




In modern building electrical, the use of leakage protectors can effectively prevent residents from getting an electric shock, and at the same time can remind users to take necessary protective measures in time. ASJ series residual current relay products can monitor the leakage current in the line. When the leakage current reaches or exceeds the set value, the internal relay will act to issue an alarm, and can be linked with the circuit breaker switch to quickly cut off the line to ensure line safety.


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